// Data management
Logexsoft Attribute
Logexsoft Attribute
Information Manager (AIM)
Executive summary
The AIM application has been developed by Logexsoft for assisting it’s clients with creating and managing data to support planning and scheduling applications.
Data optimization
// Data management
Simplified ongoing management
Simplified ongoing management
of routing and rate information
Logexsoft’s AIM application is designed to supplement ERP and other external data systems and provide functionality to manage product and equipment related data required for production planning and scheduling. The Logexsoft AIM (Attribute Information Management application is capable of matching product attributes and equipment attributes to generate valid routings and rates.

Planning and Scheduling applications
need data to support:
- What Can Run Where?
- How is production flexibility impacted as Equipment attributes or configuration changes?
- How can we assign new products (or promotion products) that are continually being introduced to equipment
- Incorporate learning curve associated with new products and/or new equipment.
AIM – Key Features
- Attributes can be associated with Products, Equipment or Assignment, where Assignment attributes are only applicable when a product is assigned to a specific piece of equipment.
- Attributes can be imported from external source (such as SAP or other system) or can be managed and ‘owned’ within the AIM application.
- Time effective attributes – Attribute can change value based on dates
- Derived (calculated) attributes. E.g. A Brand code attribute can be derived from a portion of the product code. Production Rate = function of Product Size, Length, Active Ingredient.
- Assignment Rules – E.G. Products of Type ‘X’ can only be made on Machines of Type ‘Y’.
- Mass update of attribute values – change all values for an Attribute from value ‘X’ to value ‘Y’
- Validation rules – E.g. If product is type ‘Finished’ then Pack Type Cannot be ‘Blank’. Density must be > 0.5 and < 2.0. Validation rules can be used to create alerts and notification if required attributes are missing or have invalid values.
- Reporting and Analysis to identify Products or Equipment with missing Attribute values, Products with no assignments to equipment or no production rates, New products, etc.