// capacity planning

Logexsoft Capacity Planner
– Calendar Application

Executive summary

A key input into all Supply Chain Management applications is calendar information. Calendar information is needed to provide shift schedules, downtime calendar, overtime calendar, and needed to manage a variety of events that have to be considered when generating a production plan or schedule.

Capacity planning
// Capacity planning

Powerful central
calender repository

L ogexsoft’s capacity planner calendar application is designed to provide a central calendar repository that can be integrated with external systems (such as Maintenance Management – CMMS modules, Workforce management, MES systems, etc) and provide consolidated feed into any downstream system. The application has powerful visualization and update tools so that calendars can be reviewed at any level of granularity and modified as needed. The application also supports ‘calendar versions’ to allow for Planners to run scenarios (e.g. how will production plan look if capacity is curtailed for 2 weeks).

The Calendar application also offers a rich templating capability to allow generic calendar templates to be set up and then associated with any number of work centers.

The application has been deployed in several business areas and can be readily adapted to any organization.

Some of the visualization tools and interfaces are shown below:

Gantt chart view showing up time and down time for a selected group of machines. Calendar Overview shows types of events by day for one or more work centers.

Calendar Overview shows types of events by day for one or more work centers.

In summary the Capacity Planner Application provides a centralized system where all events that impact production capacity can be managed.

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