The Logexsoft External Solver application has been developed to supplement the Preactor AP (Advanced Planner Module).
Data optimization
// data optimization
Extended planning for Preactor AP
T he External solver adds the ability to transform a standard Preactor AP problem into an optimization problem which is passed to a commercial optimizer. The optimizer can solve both Linear and Mixed integer problems and provide a solution which is used to populate Preactor’s standard solution data structures. This allows Preactor’s native visualization and analysis capabilities to be used to review, analyze and publish the ‘optimal’ plan.
With the addition of the Logexsoft External Solver, Preactor Advanced Planning Applications can:
Incorporate explicit location based modeling – multiple plants, distribution centers/warehouses.
Fully constrain production based on capacity, raw material availability, or any other production constraint.
Handle multi-level BOMs where items can be both an intermediate and a finished product.
Take into account any economics – cost of production, revenue consideration with specific products / customers.
Generate Production Plans with ‘optimal’ product mix to maximize overall revenue or profit.
Look ahead – e.g. prebuild inventory prior to a shutdown.
Perform solution and Linear Programming model analysis tool to perform deep dive into model structure and determine why model took certain decisions.
Standard Preactor AP Solution ha 15 instances on Capacity Overagess
Preactor AP Plan with External Solver - 0 Capacity Overages